W hen we talk about social media, the terms come into our minds are Facebook,…
Write a Client-Server socket program to implement “TCP client server” architecture. CODE for server side in c++: #include < bits/stdc++.h >…
Read morePlease feel free to suggest any edits.... Use the following customer table and write the SQL query to: i) Find any values that start with "a&q…
Read morePlease feel free to suggest any edits.... Use the following Product table and write the SQL query to find the count , sum and average price. crea…
Read moreUse the following customer table and write the SQL query to select the first three records from the 'Customers' table. create table custo…
Read moreUse the following customer table and write the SQL query to select all fields from "Customers" where the country is NOT "Germany&quo…
Read more1. Use the following customer table and write the SQL query to select all fields from "Customers" where the country is "Germany"…
Read moreWrite an “Echo Client” and “Echo Server” using UDP in Cto estimate the round trip Time from client to the server. The server should be such that it…
Read moreConsider the E-R diagram in the following Figure , which models an online bookstore. a. List the entity sets and their primary keys. Solution: The …
Read more11. What is the address space in each of the following systems? a. A system with 8-bit addresses => 2^8 b. A system with 16-bit addresses =&…
Read moreAs discussed in the post, What is Process Synchronization? , we came to know what is process synchronization and what is critical section problem. …
Read moreWHY DO WE REQUIRE PROCESS SYNCHRONIZATION? In Multiprogramming, there are two kinds of processes. One is independent processes and the another one is…
Read moreSTEPS TO CREATE A .SH FILE IN LINUX: Sorry for the poor quality of the images, we will update it very soon :) STEP 1: Open a folder using cd comman…
Read moreW hen we talk about social media, the terms come into our minds are Facebook,…