



When we talk about social media, the terms come into our minds are Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram, Twitter, etc. Whatsapp was launched on 3 May 2009, Facebook was launched in February 2004 and Instagram was launched on 6 October 2010. This is just fifteen years of their appearance in the society and the society is involved with all these in a way that is just unimaginable. These platforms are meant to connect people from different places to enhance social interaction. For a few years ago, social media was good, you were able to know your friends day to day activities, where they go, what they eat, what they read but now it is becoming a site of chaos and distractions and is not recommended for the school students. I am from India and I have come to know how destructive social media is in our day to day life. For some months, I used it so much when I was depressed alone in my hostel room. It was the only way of my happiness because the people I wanted to talk about were not connected with me all the time. I had a few friends to discuss anything. But after one hour of use, I became more depressed and started acting like an insane. A month ago, I realized some things that changed my lifestyle a lot. I will explain how.

If you're below eighteen years old, then just stay away from social media. Make friendship with books, it will help you in the future, not the fake friends of social media. If you're above eighteen years old, then you may have experienced and felt the things. The reasons are not that simple to explain. But here I am providing ten reasons why you should avoid social media as much as possible


Social media platforms are built to enjoy our free time and to make friends with new people. But if you start giving your valuable times for it without any valid reason, you will ruin your life by yourself. It always happens when you are doing something and suddenly you see a notification popping up on your screen, you check the phone. You find a friend request or a notification of someone posting something or someone likes your photo or comments on it, you start exploring the person spontaneously. You see some posts of the person which distracts your mind- maybe it's a controversial post or it's against your point of view or maybe some other personal matters. But it happens quite often with everyone. And you will be busy for the next ten minutes or half an hour without any useful reason scrolling your newsfeed. That's completely a waste of time. The person will not help you in your tough time nor that hundreds of likes in your photo will give you a job. Don’t just waste your time on such activities. It’s so valuable, once you will lose it, you will never get it back again.


Along with your physical health, your mental health is also important. Social media can kill your mental health silently. You will be using it in search of happiness, but it will make your illness more serious and prominent with time. You should know one thing, happiness can’t be found in social media. All those followers you have in your social media will not feed you and your family. All of them are just temporary. Once you will make a small mistake, you will be trolled and bullied by the same persons once were your admirers. So, be careful while choosing your source of happiness.

Social media is a place inhabited with people of different views and opinions and when all of them start showing their opinions, it leads to a very much chaotic situation that you might have not imagined. The most distracting part is the comment section, where people fight on political and social issues and sometimes for personal issues too having no clue of the actual matters. They use abusive words which are not suitable for the students below eighteen. All of these things just turn into a reason for distraction.


Politics is always dirty and the worst thing in the world. There are so many conspiracies that we general people will never come to know. And nowadays, social media has become a platform for political debate. People supporting different political parties come together and create some ugly situation in the comment section. Some of them don’t have any political knowledge and they just try to argue with everyone opposing them. Stay away from these political posts.

Sometimes social issues also create a conspiracy. Currently, a term called 'feminism' is leading the issue. Some people with no knowledge of what actually it is is having arguments in favor of it or against it. Some are trolling the girls. But we all know these debates have no solution. In the same manner, the news of murders, crimes, rapes, etc posted in social media are dividing the people in terms of community, political opinion, religion, etc. In reality, these all things have nothing to do with community or religion because criminals are always the worst creatures of the society.


Reflection of communal hatred on social media is not that old. But in no time, it has become very dangerous. Everyone has different religions and communities and every religion and community have different views and motto. All of them contain positive and negative things. But nobody has the right to abuse each other in terms of community and religion. Everyone is a part of mankind. But that is what happens in social media right now. Crimes, murders everything is now taken as a communal issue in social media of India. I have no idea about other countries. Avoid all of these things if you wanna be successful. You can’t rectify the society with your vulgar comments or arguments. 


Facebook is a platform where memers make people laugh through their memes. Memes are those made to bring smiles on people’s faces. But I have noticed that now it has also become a way of abuse one another. Memes to troll someone’s mistake is a crime. You can’t harass someone for your own happiness or to look cool on social media. People make mistakes but that doesn’t mean that you have the right to make fun of them. It can have an effect on their mental health. They might be celebrities, they might have money and fame, they might have ego and attitude, but they are human too. Trolling someone for their odd behavior is not recommended unless they are involved in criminal activities. But you can’t control the stupid people, the only thing you can do is to avoid them and those posts. If no one gives attention to those posts, then they will have to stop creating those posts by themselves. One day, you may become a victim. Someone may extract mistakes from your profile photo, your comments, your behavior, your personal life and make it viral. So, the best thing is to minimize the use of social media. 


This is the main reason why social media is not recommended for students below eighteen. Social media is full of direct or indirect viral pornographic content. Those seem not to be very harmful but they may change your perspective on some things.  You may have seen the videos of TikTok. Social media is full of such kind of videos and it might have an impact on your life directly or indirectly. You can’t stop the stupidity, the thing you can do is avoid them and focus on your own life.

And also the sad thing is that nowadays social media has also become a way of blackmailing. I wouldn't like to explain it that much. But the thing is that something is going wrong.


It is an indirect effect of social media. As you all have seen on Instagram and Facebook, the luxurious lifestyle of the celebrities and your friends. And every time you see them, your desire to get such a lifestyle become stronger. Especially for girls, you too want to own the dresses worn by another girl or an actress which are very costly. But you don’t have that much money and your only source of income is your father’s job or mother's job. You are not financially independent. You can’t ask your parents for costly things. This can lead to major depression. You will start thinking that you are not living life as they are. You have nothing and ultimately you will lose your own happiness. But you know one thing that what you see is not always the truth. The life you see in social media is not the real one. Everyone has problems and shortcomings. So, don’t let those stupid posts distract your mind. Be happy with what you have. React to the posts where people are showing their virtual happiness and pray for their miseries. If you have the ability to think then you can easily handle yourself from being depressed for those posts. But if you don’t have this ability, avoid social media. 


The viral of good content is good. But will you like to see someone kissing her boyfriend, someone doing some unusual activities, someone with an ugly face everywhere in social media? No, right? But this happens every day. This term 'viral' destroys many lives every day. Some contents are so crucial that they can lead to the suicide of the owner. So be careful while using social media. Don’t contribute to these things.


Social media is the biggest platform of spreading fake news which makes mental trauma among people. Some news channels and pages use this weapon to make unnecessary fear and chaos among people. Don’t believe in the things you see on social media unless you get confirmation from some trusted sources. Sometimes it can lead you behind the bars. That’s why social media is harmful.


Social media has a direct impact on relationships. Nowadays, families are together by location but everyone is busy in their own world, the world of social media. They don’t have time to talk, they don’t eat together. Everyone is busy with their virtual friends which they have never meet, never seen. But deep down, you all know that whenever you will be in problem, whenever you will feel low, whenever you will feel depressed, these social media friends are not gonna help. They will just react to your sad posts, they don’t care whether you are fine or not. So, live in the real world and be happy. Don’t try to find love in social media. If you can’t control your brain then just avoid it.

Everything has good and bad sides. You should note the thing that social media is not harmful, actually, the people are. If you are following the people who can motivate you and can create impacts on your life, then social media is very much useful. It is useful to share your creativity. It is good unless and until you discover the bad sides of social media and get involved in this. So, my recommendation is that use it without crossing the limit. Take the opportunity for good things and throw out the bad things.

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