

What should be your strategy for examinations?

What should be your strategy for examinations?

Many students have exam phobia. Many students couldn't score high marks after even studying hard for the examination. Many students panic before the exam and because of their nervousness, they couldn't enhance their marks as expected. Here are some tips and tricks to improve your score in the examination.


Study doesn't actually mean opening the books and solving random problems, reading random chapters over the whole night, but it should have proper planning. An orderly arrangement of the topics in your mind before going to study is very important. You should make a map of the topics from basics to a high level and should create a limit that you will study in one hour. How much you will cover in one day. Go through all the facts related to the topics. Try to remember it as a story in your mind but in proper order. Those terms which you think you will forget, make small sheets and write it and paste it on the wall so that you can see it every day. After the completion of the theory, try problems related to it. This will obviously reduce your pressure the night before the exam.


It is a very useful habit in examination point of view. Make small copies and paste all the formulas in an order in one copy. You can make different copies for different subjects. Highlight the most important ones and the ones that are hard to remember. The night before the exam, You can revise the whole chapter just by going through the formula. You will feel more confident.


Highlighting the important terms is a good habit. You can have a vast idea of the chapter by visualizing the hot terms. In examination, If anything comes out of your mind, you can give it a try because you are familiar with all the terms. This is like ' learning in examination hall'. Many times it happens, that some problems, we can't solve in-home, but we can solve it in the examination hall, because there is a pressure that you have to do it. You can perform it only if you have a vast idea of the subject.


Never be dependent on your teachers. You will not be fully educated regarding a topic until you read it by yourself. Self-learning is the best power of improving your performance in academics. You will know your capacity of evaluating things and it will also increase your self-confidence. Don't be dependent on notes. Refer notes only before the exam. Otherwise, you should prefer books. Notes are limited edition, but books have all the things covered.


Well, all of the above instructions are useless if you don't have any motive to study. So, it is the most important part-motivating yourself to study. Motivation is not a thing that you can acquire from others. It comes from your inner voice. If you have a  strong goal, then obviously nobody has to ask you to focus on study. Fix your goal and work smartly.


Many students have one subject in their curriculum that they find it the toughest to score marks. Well, we had them too while we were in school as well. but to overcome it, you need to study that subject twice than the other ones. Read the books of that whether or not you understand it. Read it again and again. With the strategies mentioned here, you will be able to hold a farmhand over that pretty soon. But trust me guys, it will take a great toll on you. You need to keep motivating you to focus on that subject as well as the other ones. Once you will overcome the phase where you wouldn't be bothered by the subject anymore. Congratulations guys, you are on the track of scoring higher in the exams. 

What should be your strategy for examinations?


Depression occurs if you are worried about anything when you think that you can't do it. But nothing is impossible in this world. You haven't studied anything before, still, you can perform better than others only in one week. Just the thing is you have to deal with it with smartness. Always choose the easy topics first. It will increase your confidence. Then, slowly grab the hard ones. Once you will gather the confidence in yourself, you will be able to solve the tough problems easily.


Morning time is the best for study. After taking six to seven hours of rest, your mind becomes fresh and absorbing capacity is more at this time. You can easily catch everything you study. The atmosphere is silent and you can achieve the best outcome. Wake up early, have some tea or coffee, set your goal for the rest of the day, and start working. Early morning is not only helpful for students but also for the workers too. Always remember- ' Early to bed, early to rise.'


Yoga and meditation have a direct impact on your brain and body. And a healthy body and a healthy brain have all the capacity to change the world. Always perform Yoga in the morning to avoid unnecessary thoughts and depression in your mind. Meditation is useful to set your mind as you want. It is a natural antidepressant.


Healthy food is also important for study. To acquire a strong immune system, your body should get healthy food. After hours of study, your body becomes weak, to avoid weakness eat healthy food and a large amount of water frequently. The brain doesn't work with empty stomach. Many foods have the capacity to increase brain performance like peanuts, green vegetables etc. Avoid junk foods during exam time. It is harmful to both body and mental health.


Obviously you can't focus on your study with a dirty, unarranged room. Make your space comfortable for you. Arrange your table as you like. You can attach beautiful pictures of the things you love in front of your table. Also you can paste motivational quotes. Always take a comfortable chair that is perfectly matched with your table and your height. Avoid studying in beds. It will lower your performance.


If you are really working hard, then take at least five minutes of break in one hour. Listen to your favorite music or eat or drink something or you can take exercise or walk.


Group discussion is another tool to have a vast knowledge. Combined knowledge of every member of the group can create a more proper idea of the chapter. And while learning something, try to explain it in your own words in front of others. Help each other and gather accurate knowledge.


If you are preparing for boards or annual examinations, then it's a good idea of practicing the past year papers. Take the exact time and sit for it as if you are in the examination hall. This practice can increase your speed, confidence and also you will not panic before the exam.


It's an amazing trick to memorize everything. Try to relate everything you learn in day to day life. Because the human brain is awesome, we remember what we eat two days ago, but can't remember what we read one hour ago. So, train your brain as he is. Relating things can improve your quality of education and also your knowledge.

Tick all the above-mentioned topics and get ready to amaze yourself with some extraordinary curricular results and also to crack the pin of answering in the exams. Stay tuned for the next part where we will discuss how to write in the examination answer script so that you have the chance to score the highest. till then keep reading, keep practicing.  And keep remembering that, "WORK SMART NOT HARD."

What should be your strategy for examinations?


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