




Kaziranga National Park, the heaven for the wildlife lovers, situated in the district of Golaghat and Nagaon of Assam, North East India. It fells under the Eastern Himalayan biodiversity hotspots comprising of huge biodiversity and a vast ecosystem with numbers of beautiful species of flora and fauna. The distance from Guwahati is 138 km. The 37 no. The national highway goes through this place, so it is easy to reach via bus. It is famous for its one-horned rhinoceros and tiger reserve. The area of this sanctuary is 430 sq km.


It was established in 1908 on the recommendation of Mary Curzon, wife of Viceroy of India- Lord Curzon. There is a beautiful story behind its formation which can give an inspiration to the people of nature to take small steps for our mother earth. In 1904, Lord Curzon and his wife Mary Curzon visited there to watch one-horned rhinoceros in this place. But she couldn't spot a single rhinoceros. This made her very disappointed. Later, she forces her husband to protect this land for one-horned rhinoceros to conserve this endangered species from extinction. In 1905, Lord Curzon declared it as a proposed reserved forest, and later in 1908, it was declared as reserved forest to protect the species of one-horned rhinoceros and soon it became a tiger hotspot of India too. In 1916, it was named as Kaziranga Game Sanctuary and later in 1950, it got the name Kaziranga Wildlife Sanctuary. In 1968, the area was expanded to the present area 430 sq km. It was declared as World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1985 glorifying its value and amusement. It is also recognized as an Important Bird Area(IBA) making it a paradise for bird lovers.


Nature has many ways to amaze humans. Either through its creation or by herself. The only thing we have to do is love her and conserve her. This wildlife sanctuary is also a true example of nature. It has diverse green trees and small bushes all over her body. The elephant grass, marshlands, and such types of small grasses cover a major part of the area. The presence of Brahmaputra river and it's amazing view makes it more mesmerizing. The altitude of the eastern and western areas of the park is different, so there is a variety of plants in its different parts. We can see four types of vegetation there- alluvial inundated grasslands, alluvial Savanna woodlands, tropical moist forests, tropical evergreen forests. The  Indian gooseberry and elephant apple are commonly found plants all over the park. The ripe Gooseberries attract the monkies. The park comprises many water bodies making it a place for the water plants, birds and animals too. The water lilies, water hyacinth, water lotus found in those water bodies make the scenery more beautiful and serene.



The sanctuary mainly attracted the visitors for it's one Horned Rhinoceros. The largest population of the world of this species is found in there. There is almost 2200 number of rhinoceros found there giving its immense glory and pride. This number is approximately  2/3 rd of the world's population of one Horned Rhinoceros. Western zone is the best for spotting tigers and rhinoceros. Besides this species, the other four species helping this sanctuary to intensify its pride are tigers, elephants, swamp deer, and water buffaloes. There are around 105 tigers in Kaziranga. In 2014, it was only 83 in number, but later management and proper conservation make the number crossing century. It was declared as a tiger reserve in 2006 to make better conservation of tigers. Though it is very hard to spot tigers by the visitors because of the tall grasses, their presence is often felt. If you really wanna see them, then having a stroke of good luck is mandatory.

The forest is not only a habitat of only above five species. There are numerous small and big species of mammals and reptiles also present there which are easily spotted by the visitors. Some of them are- Hollock Gibbon, Leopard, Sloth Bear, Indian Wild Boar (Sus Scrofa), Eastern Mole (Talpa Microra), Pangolin, Indian Gaur, Sambar, Barking Deer, Hog Deer, Leaf Monkey or Capped Langur, Rhesus Macaque, Assamese Macaque, Indian Porcupine, Fishing cat, Jungle cat, Large Indian Civet, Small Indian Civet, Mongoose, Bengal Fox, Golden Jackel, Common Otter, Chinese Ferret Badger, Black Beer, various species of Bats, etc.

The three types of reptiles found there are- turtles or tortoises, Lizards, and Snakes. The main species of turtles and tortoises are as follows- Assam Roofed Turtle, Indian Flapshap Turtle, Keeled Box Turtle, Indian Tent Turtle, Brown Hill Tortoise, Indian Eyed Turtle, Brown Roofed Turtle, etc.   The main species of Lizards are as follows -  Indian Water monitor, Common Indian Skink, Tuckto Gecko, Assam Garden Lizard, Dotted Garden Skink, Light Olive Assam Garden Lizard, etc. The main species of snakes spotted are as follows-  Bengal Cobra, Rat snake, King Cobra, Rock Python, Reticulated Python, Common Krait, Banded Krait, Black Krait, Russel's Viper, Pit Viper, Common Kukri Snake, Striped Jeelback, etc. Some of them are very dangerous and some of them are just innocent and sweet. But until you disturb their life, nobody is going to harm you anyhow. Many types of crocodiles are also found in the wastelands. These wastelands are also home of Ganges and Indus river dolphins.


This is a bird's paradise. Many types of rare and migratory birds are found here chirruping and flying all over the place. Imagine a scene with blue sky, green forests and the melodious songs of birds. You can have this image in real in Kaziranga National park. The beautiful birds found there are as follows- gray pelicans roost,  White-fronted goose, Cotton Pygmy Goose, Bar Headed Goose, Greylag Goose, ferruginous duck, Pochard duck, Spot-Billed Duck, lesser adjutant, greater adjutant, black-necked stork, Fulvous Breasted Woodpecker, Three-Toed Golden Black Woodpecker,  Grey Crowned Woodpecker, Eurasian Wryneck, Tufted Duck, Asian openbill stork, etc. Some of them are migrated from central Asia during winter and some of them are endangered species.


Jeep Safari:

Jeep Safari is available mainly from November to April. The timing is as follows-

Morning:7 to 9:30
Afternoon:1:30 to 3:30
Elephant Safari: It takes you inside the park through kahara central road, Mihimukh, Arimarah, Hole Path, Bagori or western zone. You can directly book ticket in the office there or some online services are also available for advanced booking. Morning 5:30 to  7:30


Near kohora and bagori, there are many private and government lodges that have comfortable accommodations at an affordable price. You can also find some home resorts which can give you extra amusement to your trip because of the beautiful culture and food of local Assamese people. If you go there, don't miss the ethnic Assamese food. Don't miss to enjoy the cultural Bihu Dance and the nearby picnic spots filling with the unimaginable beauty of nature.

The best time to visit is November to April. It remains open from 1st November to 30th April.Due to heavy rainfall of around 2220 mm during monsoon season, it gets flooded and not suitable for a visit from July to August.


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If you love flowers, then this is the best place for you. There are numerous species of orchids are found in this Orchid Park. This is known as Kaziranga National Orchid and biodiversity Park. This is just 2 km away from Kohora in Durgapur Village comprising an area of 6 acres. There are almost 500 different species of orchids are found there. Apart from this, 132 species of sour fruits and leafy vegetables, 46 species of bamboo, 12 species of cane, and many other varieties of plants are found there. This is the Largest Orchid Park in North East India. Visiting this park can give you a vast knowledge of orchids and their varieties.


  • ·       Our nature is collapsing abruptly because of our own activities. So, try as much as you can to conserve this nature. The best time is 'now'.
  •       Don't throw polythenes and plastic bottles into the habitats of wildlife. If possible, don't throw it anywhere, just recycle or reuse it. And the best thing to do is don't use plastics.
  • ·       Plant as many plants as you can.
  • ·       Try to use limited lands for your own activities, let your private property to be a beautiful small forest. You can have a virtual experience of being in a big forest in your own home.
  • ·       Let this earth to be a home of both humans and animals. Remember that the earth is surviving because of a cycle where all animals, birds, and plants are also involved. If one disappears, the other can't live.

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  1. Great post and thanks for sharing this information. To spot rhinos and many other wildlife we offer kaziranga safari booking.
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