


1. Norway was originally called as “Nordweg” meaning the “Northern Way.”

2. Norway is the fourth happiest country of the world where income inequality is one of the lowest

The story of a popular Netflix series Vikings is originated from Normay and other two northern countries.

3. The people of Norway spend more time on reading than other countries of the world

4. The country is popular for fjords. It is one of the three Scandinavian countries.

5. The regions, Rjukan of Norway is situated in deep valleys. In thid area, the mountains block sun rays for almost 6 months. And the residents use giant mirrors to reflect the sunlight down.

6. The longest road tunnel in the world is the Laerdal tunnel which is 24.5 km long

7. Norway is one of the countries having polar nights, where during winter, the sun never rises and during summer, the sun never sets

8. During this densely populated world, Norway is such a country where 70% area is uninhabited.

9. After China, Norway is the world’s second-largest exporter of seafood and the largest seafood produce.

10.  In Norway, the cost of 250 gms of butter is around $50 which is very high.

11. It is also the fifth largest oil exporter and the third largest gas exporter.

12. Norwegian passports display Aurora Borealis under UV lights.

13. Norwegian passports display Aurora Borealis under UV lights.

14. Displaying advertisement to children 12 years old or younger is illegal in the country, that's great

15. Since World War II, only 10 police officers have been killed in Norway and not a single person has been killed by the Norwegian police since 2006. Admirable

16. The nobel peace prize is warded by Norway in Oslo every year

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