

Charaideo-The home of Indian Pyramids.

Charaideo-The home of Indian Pyramids.

Charaideo, the first capital of Ahom Kingdom is a historical place of Assam, situated to the North East of India. It was declared as district recently on 15th of August, 2015. You can reach there by bus or by train. The distance from Guwahati is 338 k.m. or 210 miles. The nearest train station is at Bhojo, 25 k.m. away and the nearest airport is at Jorhat. The maidams of Charaideo is an attraction for the tourists. These are situated in Borpukhuri Habi, almost half an hour away from the nearest city and headquarter of Charaideo district, SONARI.

Charaideo was first built by Sukapha ( Chaulung Sukapha), son of Chao - Chang Nyeu, in 1253 who invaded the valley in 1228 crossing the mountain Patkai. He was the founder of Ahom Kingdom. The original name of Charaideo is ' Che Rai Deo'. It is situated in the foothills of Nagaland. It can be called as 'Pyramids of Assam', because of the tombs or maidams made by the Ahom kings, which are similar to the Pyramids of Egypt. Being the first capital of powerful 600 years of Ahom Dynasty, Charaideo was a holy place for the Ahom kings. All the  Ahom rituals were performed there. Charaideo can be divided into three parts- the capital, maidams and the sacred place. The capital is nowhere to be found now. But the maidams and the sacred places are still there showing the power of Ahom reign. The maidams are the symbol of royalty and aristocracy of Ahom kingdom.There are 30 archaeologically protected maidams in Charaideo, but actually there are more than 150 maidams, slowly shattering with time, because of ignorance by government and the people. They are earthen made octagonal shaped structure same as hill rocks which have underground vaults. Fourty two Ahom kings were buried in Charaideo maidams. The dead bodies were kept inside a  wooden coffin and all the used staffs of the king were put in an house like structure called Rung- Dang Kareng and all of these were covered with soil and thus forming the maidams. The upper part of the maidam is known as 'Chao - Chali'. At the topmost part of the hill, there is a place called "Deohal" where all Ahom rituals were performed. Beside this, there is a "Do'l" called 'Lankuri dol' built by Gadadhar Singha. Also there is a pond near the "Dhudar Aali", called " Haw Dhua Pukhuri" where the dead bodies were bathed before burying.

Charaideo-The home of Indian Pyramids.

Now, come to the powerful king Chaolung Sukapha, who built this place. He was originally from Mung Maolung of China. Coming to Brahmaputra valley, assembling every tribes, he made the biggest Ahom dynasty. They were known as 'Tai Ahom'. They have established the culture of farming in the paddy fields, where probability of having flood was low. They have made friendship with Borahi and Moran tribes by marrying their daughters. Today's one popular festival 'Goru Bihu' was first celebrated by Sukapha. One of the ritual of Ahom people 'Mai Dam Mai Phi' was originated in Assam from that time, where they give respect and perform many things for their ancestors.

Tai Ahom people are still inhabited in all over Brahmaputra valley. They are the biggest and most powerful tribe of Assam's history. If you go to Charaideo, you can have a close contact with Tai Ahom family and you  can know more about their culture, foods, dresses and festivals. ' Heng Dang' is a significant part of Tai Ahom culture. And their weddings are worth looking over again. From 1996 , 'Assam day' or 'Asom divas' is celebrated on 2nd of December every year to give a tribute to the first Ahom ruler Sukapha. 'Charaideo festival' is celebrated every year in January where you can grab the experience of ethnic food and culture.

Charaideo-The home of Indian Pyramids.

The maidams would have been a place of attraction in national and international platform if it's proper conservation were taken. But due to lack of conservation, it is not getting the platform it deserves. The another reason is the lack of luxurious hotels, lodges or resorts in nearby area. The roads are also devastating for which the people don't want to come. But still, there are many small hotels in Sonari or Najira, and the people are also great. Inside, it is amazing. For one moment, you will feel like you are in Egypt.

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