

Quantum Dots and its potential applications

What is Quantum Dots?
Quantum Dots and its potential applications

Quantum dots (QD’s) are tiny particles or nanocrystals of a semiconducting material with diameters in the range of 2-10 nanometers (10-50 atoms), having optical and electronic properties that differ from larger particles due to quantum mechanics. It is one of the central and most important topic in Nano-Technology. They can emit light of various colors. These artificial semiconductor nanoparticles have found applications in composites, solar cells and fluorescent biological labels.

Quantum dots have properties intermediate between bulk semiconductors and discrete atoms or molecules. Their optoelectronic properties change as a function of both size and shape. Larger QDs of 5–6 nm diameters emit longer wavelengths, with colors such as orange or red. Smaller QDs (2–3 nm) emit shorter wavelengths, yielding colors like blue and green. However, the specific colors vary depending on the exact composition of the QD.

Due to their small size, the electrons in these particles are confined in a small space (quantum box), and when the radii of the semiconductor nanocrystal is smaller than the Exciton Bohr radius (Exciton Bohr radius is the average distance between the electron in the conduction band and the hole it leaves behind in the valence band), there is quantization of the energy levels according to Pauli’s exclusion principle. The discrete, quantized energy levels of these quantum particles relate them more closely to atoms than bulk materials and have resulted in them being nicknamed 'artificial atoms'. Generally, as the size of the crystal decreases, the difference in energy between the highest valence band and the lowest conduction band increases. More energy is then needed to excite the dot, and concurrently, more energy is released when the crystal returns to its ground state, resulting in a color shift from red to blue in the emitted light. As a result of this phenomenon, these nanomaterials can emit any color of light from the same material simply by changing the dot size. Additionally, because of the high level of control possible over the size of the nanocrystals produced, these semiconducting structures can be tuned during manufacturing to emit any color of light.

The atom-like energy states of QDs furthermore contribute to special optical properties, such as a particle-size dependent wavelength of fluorescence; an effect which is used in fabricating optical probes for biological and medical imaging.

So far, the use in bioanalytics and bio labeling has found the widest range of applications for colloidal QDs. Though the first generation of quantum dots already pointed out their potential, it took a lot of effort to improve basic properties, in particular colloidal stability in salt-containing solution. Initially, quantum dots have been used in very artificial environments, and these particles would have simply precipitated in 'real' samples, such as blood. These problems have been solved and QDs have found numerous use in real applications.

Classification of Quantum Dots

Quantum dots can be classified into different types based on their composition and structure.

Core-Type Quantum Dots

These nanodots can be single component materials with uniform internal compositions, such as chalcogenides (selenides, sulfides or tellurides) of metals like cadmium, lead or zinc, example, CdTe or PbS. The photo- and electroluminescence properties of core-type nanocrystals can be fine-tuned by simply changing the crystallite size.

Core-Shell Quantum Dots

The luminescent properties of quantum dots arise from recombination of electron-hole pairs (exciton decay) through radiative pathways. However, the exciton decay can also occur through nonradiative methods, reducing the fluorescence quantum yield. One of the methods used to improve efficiency and brightness of semiconductor nanocrystals is growing shells of another higher bandgap semiconducting material around them. These particles with small regions of one material embedded in another with a wider bandgap are known as core-shell quantum dots (CSQDs) or core-shell semiconducting nanocrystals (CSSNCs). For example, quantum dots with CdSe in the core and ZnS in the shell available from Sigma-Aldrich Materials Science exhibit greater than 50% quantum yield. Coating quantum dots with shells improves quantum yield by passivizing nonradiative recombination sites and also makes them more robust to processing conditions for various applications. This method has been widely explored as a way to adjust the photophysical properties of quantum dots.

Alloyed Quantum Dots

The ability to tune optical and electronic properties by changing the crystallite size has become a hallmark of quantum dots. However, tuning the properties by changing the crystallite size could cause problems in many applications with size restrictions. Multicomponent dots offer an alternative method to tune properties without changing crystallite size. Alloyed semiconductor nanodots with both homogeneous and gradient internal structures allow tuning of the optical and electronic properties by merely changing the composition and internal structure without changing the crystallite size. For example, alloyed quantum dots of the compositions CdSxSe1-x/ZnS of 6nm diameter emits light of different wavelengths by just changing the composition. Alloyed semiconductor quantum dots formed by alloying together two semiconductors with different bandgap energies exhibited interesting properties distinct not only from the properties of their bulk counterparts but also from those of their parent semiconductors. Thus, alloyed nanocrystals possess novel and additional composition-tunable properties aside from the properties that emerge due to quantum confinement effects.

Quantum Dots and its potential applications

Physicochemical Properties of Quantum Dots

1. QDs are more photostable as compared to traditional dyes. This is due to their inorganic composition and the fluorescence intensity they work on.

2. QDs are 10–20 times brighter as compared to the conventional organic dyes.

3. They are less prone to degradation as compared to other optical imaging probes. This helps in tracking cellular processes effectively and for long periods of time.

4. They have a higher signal to noise ratio than organic dyes.

5. QDs have broader excitation spectra and a narrow, sharply defined emission peak.

6. They have comparably longer fluorescence, high photo resistance, large stokes shift, and sharp emission spectra.

7. Molding of QDs in any shape is easy and they can be coated with a range of biomaterials.

8. QDs give better contrast with the electron microscope.

9. QDs have novel optical and electronic properties because of quantum confinement of electrons and photons in the nanostructure.

10. Confinement of quantum results in a widening of bandgap which eventually increases when the size of the nanostructure is decreased further.

11. QDs possess properties of luminescence: QDs due to their exceptional properties like high photostability, size-tunable narrow emission spectra, and broad range excitation provides considerable value in various applications. Their size and composition can be manipulated to get the desired emission properties, making them amenable to simultaneous detection of multiple targets. The absorption of photons by QDs takes place when excitation energy exceeds bandgap. Post absorption of this energy, electrons shift from the ground state to the excited state. The energy associated with the optical absorption and electronic structure of a material is directly related to each other.

Application of Quantum Dots

Quantum dots in medicine

Quantum dots enable researchers to study cell processes at the level of a single molecule and may significantly improve the diagnosis and treatment of diseases such as cancers. QDs are either used as active sensor elements in high-resolution cellular imaging, where the fluorescence properties of the quantum dots are changed upon reaction with the analyte, or in passive label probes where selective receptor molecules such as antibodies have been conjugated to the surface of the dots.

Quantum dots could revolutionize medicine. Unfortunately, most of them are toxic. Ironically, the existence of heavy metals in QDs such as cadmium, a well-established human toxicant and carcinogen, poses potential dangers especially for future medical application, where qdots are deliberately injected into the body.

As the use of nanomaterials for biomedical applications is increasing, environmental pollution and toxicity have to be addressed, and the development of a non-toxic and biocompatible nanomaterial is becoming an important issue.

Quantum dots in Photovoltaic’s

The attractiveness of using quantum dots for making solar cells lies in several advantages over other approaches: They can be manufactured in an energy-saving room-temperature process; they can be made from abundant, inexpensive materials that do not require extensive purification, as silicon does; and they can be applied to a variety of inexpensive and even flexible substrate materials, such as lightweight plastics.

Although using quantum dots as the basis for solar cells is not a new idea, attempts to make photovoltaic devices have not yet achieved sufficiently high efficiency in converting sunlight to power.

A promising route for quantum dot solar cells is a semiconductor ink with the goal of enabling the coating of large areas of solar cell substrates in a single deposition step and thereby eliminating tens of deposition steps necessary with the previous layer-by-layer method.

Graphene quantum dots

Graphene, which basically is an unrolled, planar form of a carbon nanotube therefore has become an extremely interesting candidate material for nanoscale electronics. Researchers have shown that it is possible to carve out nanoscale transistors from a single graphene crystal (i.e. graphene quantum dots). Unlike all other known materials, graphene remains highly stable and conductive even when it is cut into devices one nanometer wide.

Graphene quantum dots (GQDs) also show great potential in the fields of photo electronics, photovoltaics, biosensing, and bioimaging owing to their unique photoluminescence (PL) properties, including excellent biocompatibility, low toxicity, and high stability against photobleaching and photoblinking.

Scientists still are working on finding efficient and universal methods for the synthesis of GQDs with high stability, controllable surface properties, and tunable PL emission wavelength.

Perovskite quantum dots

Luminescent quantum dots (LQDs), which possess high photoluminescence quantum yields, flexible emission color controlling, and solution processibility, are promising for applications in lighting systems (warm white light without UV and infrared irradiation) and high-quality displays.

However, the commercialization of LQDs has been held back by the prohibitively high cost of their production. Currently, LQDs are prepared by the HI method, requiring a high temperature and tedious surface treating in order to improve both optical properties and stability.

Although developed only recently, inorganic halide perovskite quantum dot systems have exhibited comparable and even better performances than traditional QDs in many fields.

By preparing highly emissive inorganic perovskite quantum dots (IPQDs) at room temperature, IPQDs' superior optical merits could lead to promising applications in lighting and displays.

Quantum Dots and its potential applications

Quantum dot TVs and displays

The most commonly known use of quantum dots nowadays maybe TV screens. Samsung and LG launched their QLED TVs in 2015, and a few other companies followed not long after.

Quantum dots, because they are both photo-active (photoluminescent) and electro-active (electroluminescent) and have unique physical properties, will be at the core of next-generation displays. Compared to organic luminescent materials used in organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs), QD-based materials have purer colors, longer lifetime, lower manufacturing cost, and lower power consumption. Another key advantage is that, because QDs can be deposited on virtually any substrate, you can expect printable and flexible – even rollable – quantum dot displays of all sizes.

Quantum dots have found applications in composites, solar cells (Grätzel cells) and fluorescent biological labels (for example to trace a biological molecule) which use both the small particle size and tunable energy levels.

Advances in chemistry have resulted in the preparation of monolayer-protected, high-quality, monodispersed, crystalline quantum dots as small as 2 nm in diameter, which can be conveniently treated and processed as a typical chemical reagent.

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