



Everyone wants to be successful in their life. Everyone has big dreams, either it is being rich or being honest. But for every dream, the first thing needed is smart work and time management skills. You can't hold times, it will keep passing without your knowledge and in no time, you will start crying for it. So, it's better to improve your time management skills from now on. Here are 10 tips for you to manage your time properly. Check this out.....

1. SETTING GOAL: Without a goal, you can't do anything. You will keep thinking about what is your next task and time will flow in front of your eyes. If you are a student, your goal is to score higher and gain knowledge. Reading more and more books should be your task. Arranging small goals in order to achieve the final one is very important. Small goals mean the tasks to do for a day or for an hour. Adding this small successful goals will make your biggest goal a successful one.

If you are an office worker, then your goal is to attain maximum output with smart work with proper use of time. If you are a businessman, then your goal should be earning profits starting from small things to bigger ones. Your long time goal should be enlarging your business year by year.

2. ORGANIZATION: 'Slow and steady wins the race' it was an old prophecy applicable in our daily life too. In order to achieve big, only working for hours not gonna help. The first thing is to organize your work according to your priorities. Suppose, you are a student, first you should focus on your classwork, if you can absorb these things, then only you should go for additional things and other resources available. Because if you don't even know the abc and you go for the novels written by the great writers, you will be stuck there just trying to understand every word leading to the waste of time and nothing else.

Again, if you are a small businessman and you want to purchase a shopping mall in the first year of your business life, it will make no sense. Neither you will be able to grow your business nor you will be able to fulfill your dreams. Take small steps but with proper arrangements making sure that your next step is safe and sound.

3. SMART WORK: Most of the people think that working hard for hours is the only way to be successful. But this is not true. The percentage of being successful is much more higher for smart work than hard work. Smart work consumes less time and lets us utilize the excess time in some other productive works. You can see a student reading five hours a day is more successful than another one reading for twelve hours worshipping his sleep. Because the first one does smart work and the second one does hard work. 

4. EARLY TO BED EARLY RISE: It is a scientifically proven fact that early morning is so productive. Our minds remain fresh at this time after a sufficient amount of sleep and we can concentrate more on our works. Late-night works are less productive and time-consuming because efficiency is very low. Those who follow the rules of nature are always successful. Nights are dark to give you rest and let you sleep and days are light for work. If you wanna make your routine against the law of nature, obviously it will not be a better option. This' early to bed early to rise' rule can also save our nature and energy. 


5. PROPER PLANNING: This is the most important part of time management -proper. If you are a student, make a list of the chapters and topics you wanna cover in the next few hours and continue with it. It will save your time by giving you a continuous outcome. If you don't choose proper planning, your chaotic mind will not allow you to maximize the benefits. For other occupations too, it is indeed the most important task. I should mention that family planning is also included in this for a happy and developed country. 

To know about examination tricks and tips, Click Here
6. STRESS MANAGEMENT: Some people spend hours in being depressed leading to a waste of time. Some people have a habit of overthinking and making himself depressed. This should be avoided. Yoga is a perfect solution for this. Most importantly, for the students Yoga should be a part of their routine. It decreases stress and minimize overthinking. Also, it is said that an empty mind is the home of monsters. So, always make yourself busy either in doing your important tasks or in some entertaining things. Because having a healthy mind without any stress and distraction is the most important thing in life.

7. AVOIDING UNNECESSARY THINGS: Nowadays, social media has become a monster for time. It will eat your valuable time without your knowledge. The people of different viewpoints different mindsets come together and argue with each other without any valid reason. This is from my personal experience. Some cruel people in social media will make you crazy by their idiotic opinions and views in some political and social issues and you will keep damaging your mind and health by going through their nonsense debates. It has become common in India. So, avoid social media as much as possible. If you really don't want to waste your time for some foolish people, minimize the use of social media. And for the students below eighteen years old, it is not recommended to have social media accounts at all. 

And also avoid some things that are not your business if you want to be different from others. As technology is growing, some social and political issues have become a virus for society and they have no fixed solutions too. Using your brain for those crucial problems is not more than a waste of time. And also avoid some people in your life. Being social is good but sometimes it can be a big obstacle in the way of your dream.

8. MOTIVATION TO WORK: Without motivation, you can't do anything. You should have the will to do something to make it perfect, either in study or in some other works. Wasting time on things you are not interested in will have an adverse effect on your time management. Watch some motivational lectures whenever you have free time and try to listen to your inner voice. Love what you do. And for students, there is no option. Make motivation by yourself to study. Obviously you want the best life and for that study is very important. Think and act.

9. STRATEGIC THINKING: This trick is the best one for the students while memorizing the formulas and points. You can revise them while you are eating or having a bath or while you are in the toilet. This seems funny but effective for the students preparing for board exams. It will decrease the extra time taken for revision. Many great inventions are the outcome of strategic thinking. 
10. TRACKING RECORDS OF YOUR WORK: Make a rough record of what you have done previously. This trick can make you visualize what you have left to do and where you misuse your time. Even if you spend hours on the movie, by tracking its record, at least you can realize that you made mistakes. Realizing your faults and rectifying them is one of the tricks you can learn from the most successful people.

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  1. It's probably impossible to be great at everything. But basic planning and goal-setting skills are certainly necessary.
