

Two identical coils A and B each having 800 turns lie in parallel planes such that 60% of the flux produced by one coil links with the other. A current of 5 A in coil A produces a flux of 150 µ wb. The current in coil A changes from 20 A to -20A in 20 ms. Calculate i) self inductance of each coil ii) the mutual inductance iii) the voltage induced in coil B.

 Two identical coils A and B each having 800 turns lie in parallel planes such that 60% of the flux produced by one coil links with the other. A current of 5 A in coil A produces a flux of 150 µ wb. The current in coil A changes from 20 A to -20A in 20 ms. Calculate

i) self inductance of each coil

ii) the mutual inductance

iii) the voltage induced in coil B.



N1=N2= 800 turns (no of turns)

Current in first coil, I1= 5A

Flux in first coil, φ1= 150 µ wb


d I1/d t

=| (-20-20)/20×10-3|

=2000 A/ sec

Flux in second coil, 

φ2= 60/100 ×150 µ wb

    =90 µ wb


Self inductance of each coil

L= N1φ1/I1


    =5 mH


mutual inductance, M



=14.4 mH


Voltage induced in coil B, E2

= |-M dI1/dt |


=28.8 V

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